
Do you have questions about the Lake Zurich Navigation Company (ZSG)? Require photo material or background information?  Need an idea for a story?  Our Media Department welcomes media enquiries.

Images and Videos

Commercial photography aboard our boats requires prior authorization. Authorization is not necessary for private photography.

Our boats are particularly popular subjects for media photography and filming. We are always delighted to advise and assist media professionals, photographers and film-makers in their work. 

Usage rights

Photo and photo material obtained from the Lake Zurich Navigation Company may be used only within an editorial context and in relation to our company and its operations and services. Any other usage in principal requires prior authorization. Copyright and usage rights relating to all the material published here belongs to the Lake Zurich Navigation Company (ZSG), which should therefore be cited as the source.

Media Contact

Sonja Randjelovic
Head of Communications
+41 044 487 13 43

Schiffstation Bürkliplatz

